Half of the ESO students use artificial intelligence to perform school work, according to a survey.
  • 97% of Compulsory Secondary Education students have used artificial intelligence. They use it to search for information, to write, to do homework or to answer test questions. They report the data and concerns of the survey of 1,006 students from 63 educational centers in the Spanish State, including Hego Euskal Herria.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2024ko ekainaren 05a
Ikasleen heren batek adimen artifiziala baliatu du idazlanak eta saiakerak idazteko, eta %11k azterketetako galderak erantzuteko. Argazkia: PvpProduction / Freepik

Almost all ESO students have already used tools such as ChatGPT or Géminis. Although AI is often used in the search for information (76%), other functions have also multiplied: half of the students use these tools to perform school work at home, one third to write writings and essays and 11% to answer test questions.

The results of the survey conducted by the research company TMG Research in the month of March, are one of the research leaders the company that works in several languages in more than 120 countries. It is a tool for detecting texts plagiarized by artificial intelligence and founder Chorst Klaus states that they did not expect so many students to use artificial intelligence to perform works or for the home. In the face of a phenomenon that is expanding so rapidly, Claus says that it is necessary to foster debate in education and that teaching methods must be reconsidered, since students who use it to make less effort in their studies will develop less skills: “We have to work on critical thinking and creativity so that tools are properly used and academic ethics is maintained.”

"The teacher turns us into a police force, which is why two tendencies have prevailed: the teachers who follow up very rigorously and those who pass, those who continue to evaluate as always"

He also points to the need for teachers to receive basic training on artificial intelligence and its applications, since few professors really know and use artificial intelligence. “The misuse of AI algorithms in the future will be even more harmful without providing young people with adequate information and experience on AI during their stay in school.”

How do we evaluate in the artificial intelligence era?

We recently wrote in ARGIA about the influence artificial intelligence is having on education: According to expert Pablo Garaizar, “with artificial intelligence, the end result of the work is very powerful, more powerful than the hand done, but almost everything the machine has done. That is, better results can be achieved, but we are having losses in the process, because without training it costs to improve, and teachers cannot think that technology improves learning because we get better results, the problem is to look only at the result, not the process, we have to change the way we evaluate.”

How do we evaluate in the artificial intelligence era? “In an offline evaluation, in a classic test, ChatGPT can be completely avoided, but when you want to evaluate through the papers throughout the quarter it is impossible to guarantee that artificial intelligence is not used, you would need more daily monitoring, for example, it is suspect that a student has suddenly jumped from one day to the next. However, this makes us police, so two tendencies have prevailed: the teachers who follow up very rigorously and those who pass, those who continue to evaluate as always”.