Classes will start with a week delay in several UPV/EHU faculties
  • The School of Education of Vitoria-Gasteiz is one of them, and has justified the measure by saying that "the last remaining preparations are pending". The Faculty of Letters and the School of Engineering, for their part, will teach the first week classes from home. Criticism and tensions are increasingly evident in the educational community.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 08a
Letren fakultatea. Argazkia: EHU

The School of Education and Sport of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Vitoria-Gasteiz has postponed the beginning of the course of the degrees of education. The students of the Elementary and Early Childhood Education degrees have presentations this Monday and Tuesday. In the first and second course, it will be face-to-face and in the other two network levels. However, there will be no class this week. Faculty Dean Igor Camino de Ortiz has told BERRIA that they have decided to take the first week "calmly" to supposedly ensure a "good start".

In the early hours of Monday, the teachers and students of the Education Studies received the message. According to the dean, in recent times the situation has been "analysed" and the conclusion has been reached of delaying classes. The university says that the infrastructure is ready, but that there is a lack of “the final touches”, especially in terms of technological equipment.

Significant changes in the UPV/EHU will take place in the course of 2020-2021. Among other issues, the maximum capacity of classrooms has been limited and the possibility of following classes on the Internet will be offered. In addition, a hydroalcoholic gel has been installed on the entrances and members of the university community have been recommended not to give kisses or hugs. People with symptoms have also been asked not to go to school.

In addition to the Faculty of Education and Sport, there have also been changes in other centers. For example, in the Faculty of Letters and in the School of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz the classes of the first week will not be taught in person, but online.

Training of teachers

Last-minute notices have generated discomfort in the university community. Professor at the Faculty of Education, Ainhoa Ezeiza, explained to BERRIA that the decision to delay classes on their way to Vitoria-Gasteiz: "Work is being done to see if things are going better, but that's not the case. Everything is delayed for not making decisions.” It provides for a “chaotic” course and they are making “unknowingly” decisions.

The decision of the classroom school raises doubts to Ezeiza, who is offering online training to teachers over several years. In his view, amid the current situation, “there is no way to face each other face to face.” As you have warned, there will be some students in the classroom, but the other half will leave the house and have been advised not to talk to those in the school. “To give master classes, what do they have to come for?” Ezeiza is a mistake. Beyond the academic sphere, there are other difficulties, such as the limitations of canteens, the prohibition of moving through the classroom and the shortage of means of transport.

Ezeiza believes that the situation at the university "will explode" and it is noticeable that in the halls it is noticing "a lot of cinema". “Maybe the teachers are waiting for the students to stand.” In non-university education, for example, all trade unions have a joint strike for next week in the Basque Country. Among the students, the organization Ikasle Abertzaleak has called for a strike for 15 September in universities, vocational training and secondary education.