Create a platform to tackle school segregation in Oyón
  • A total of 110 families from the Ramiro de Maeztu public school have denounced "the strong school imbalance" that exists in the locality.
Arabako Alea @ArabakoALEA 2019ko uztailaren 30
Oiongo Ramiro de Maeztu eskolako ekitaldi bat. Argazkia: Ramiro Maeztu

"While the public network is receiving the most vulnerable citizens and, above all, immigrants, the concerted network, thanks to public funding, is becoming the 'refuge' of many families." This has been reported by 110 families from the Ramiro de Maeztu College in Oyón-Oion (Bizkaia). In addition, they have created a platform to denounce the school segregation that is taking place in the municipality and the "great imbalance" that is taking place between social networks and taking action.

As they have pointed out, the Administration "is turning its back on Oyón's social reality" and has demanded a determined commitment from the institutions in favour of the Basque public school.

According to the families, the data provided by the Department of Education of the Basque Government show that, after the beginning of the course, the majority of students who access the schools in Oyón go to the public school. And the situation is even more serious "due to the lack of stability of teachers in the area".

Faced with this reality, they call for a balanced distribution of enrolment and for the Department of Education to approve concerted schools with low cultural diversity to start the course above the ratios. Other measures are also called for to maintain the balance between the networks: "It is essential to eliminate the barriers that families with few resources have to access certain schools, such as fees or extracurricular expenses". They have also asked for reinforcement teachers, when students arrive late; and that schools that train students with special needs increase the financial resources and the number of teachers.

The families of the Ramiro de Maeztu College have sent a letter to the Municipality of Oyón and to the Group of Rioja Alavesa asking for their support for the initiative. They also called for the creation of an interinstitutional bureau to deal with the problem, with concrete measures to carry out a thorough analysis of the situation and to draw up a timetable of work.