Strike day in Basque education to enact a law focused on public school
  • Public education is called upon to strike to reject the CAV's preliminary draft Education Act, claiming, among other things, that the law should prioritize public schools. There will be different sensitivities: some agents who have joined the call are critical of the legal agreement agreed by the political parties; for others the agreement is good, but the preliminary draft has distorted, and that is why some of the parties that participated in the agreement will be in mobilisations.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko azaroaren 30
Argazkia: LAB

“Public, Basque and own. The first strike called by the unions ELA, LAB and STEILAS will take place this day (on December 14 there is a second strike called) with the motto “No to this draft educational law, to the law with workers”.

The role of the public school in the law has been the source of debate and conflict since various actors complain that 100% of the network agreed with public money (within the framework of the so-called Basque Education Service) has been sought and that priority is not given to the public network in terms of investment, resources or school planning.

A part of the educational community has been critical to cement the law with the educational agreement that PNV, EH Bildu, IU-Elkarrekin Podemos and PSE agreed last March. For example, the Euskal platform Eskola Publikoa Harro and the Association of Fathers and Mothers EHIGE of Euskal Herria point out that the current dual system (public and concerted network) is a formula to perpetuate and shield the dual system (public and concerted network).

There will also be those who defend the spirit of the agreement during the strike demonstrations, but they denounce that spirit of the preliminary draft. Representatives of EH Bildu or IU-Elkarrekin Podemos have anticipated that they will be present at the protests this Wednesday. They say that the agreement contains measures to strengthen the public school, but that the pre-agreements have not been incorporated. And the PSE also criticises that the draft pre-agreement does not reflect the priority of the public network. The LAB trade union, following the meeting with EH Bildu, a day before the strike, has pointed out that the educational agreement is a good starting point and that the key is now in a good development of the agreement. The focus has also been placed on the preliminary project by the Plaza de Educación platform, claiming that for the formula of the Basque Education Service to be truly effective, it is necessary to concretize the obligations of the centers that are part of it.

They have all recognised the public network as a "fundamental role". The key is what form it will take in the final text of the law

All of them have recognised the public network as a “fundamental role”. The key is the form it will take in the final text of the law.

In this case, the Education Advisor, Jokin Bildarratz, has stated that this Wednesday’s strike is “preventive”, that the law continues its course, and if we follow the declarations of the parties that signed the agreement, it seems that it has a long way ahead, as they have asked for more concrete and more measures to the law. Having received the proposals from the actors, the Basque Government is preparing the second draft of the preliminary draft and it will be the turn of the parliamentary parties to make proposals and amendments to the text.

Demands and mobilisations

The unions have summed up their demands in ten demands: to focus the public; to deal with segregation and ensure social cohesion; to establish a framework for publication and a general and consensual regulation; to have their own education law; to have sufficient investment and resources; to put the Basque country at the centre; to establish concrete mechanisms of control and obligations; to guarantee the employment and adequate working conditions of all the workers in the educational system; to be outside the leadership of the participative markets.

A demonstration will be held in Bilbao, leaving the headquarters of the Basque Government, at 11:30 in the morning. In the afternoon, the mobilisations will take place at 18:00 in Bilbao (from the headquarters of the Basque Government), Donostia (from Alderdi Eder) and Vitoria (from the Parliament).