Stop slavery
Karlos Aretxabaleta 2020ko abenduaren 07a

They buy kisses from a butterfly in the San Francisco neighborhood, and supposedly sweet smiles. In the dark and cold nights, customers try to buy warmer eyes than fall trees, trusting that they will warm their souls. They also want to buy wings, many times, but

"Who hasn't apologized and evoked images of slavery that are not contemporary? I hope the dream is more enjoyable."

The wings are not for sale, because every morning you need our transparent butterflies to escape nightmares.

December 2 is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, and I often wonder if we do not remember the wrong image, the anachronistic image of slavery. In the image, the wives carrying George Washington and Leopoldo II.ak from Belgium predominate, with their slaves, while the others carried. However, is there not an image that better reflects the slavery of the twenty-first century? Sexual exploitation, human trafficking, child marriage, child exploitation, etc.

Let us not be hypocritical. When we talk about this issue, or when we hear it here or there, who has not apologized and evoked images of slavery that are not contemporary? I hope the dream will be more enjoyable.