Thank you, Álava!
Araba Bizirik plataforma @ArabaBizirik 2021eko azaroaren 03a

On 23 October, the Araba Bizirik platform celebrated a day of great success full of concentrations and events, and at the end of the day, it held a multitudinous and colorful demonstration that brought thousands of people together in the centre of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Let it be this entry to reaffirm the echo that some media, perhaps in their interest, have not known or wanted to reflect their true dimension and importance.

Let it be this article to strengthen the message that all the protesters wanted to convey to the capital and, finally, to give heartfelt thanks to all the participants; also to all the people who have put the best enthusiasm in organizing mountain marches, concentrations, project allegations, conference cycles, concerts, etc. They've been organized in the last three stations.

Álava Bizirik brings together various organizations and movements that emerged from the village: Montes Libres de Álava, which aims to exclude wind power plants from the Basque mountains; not the TAV, which advocates the cessation of the projects of the High-Speed Train and for a true sustainable and socially oriented railway network; the Movement for a Sustainable Food, which seeks to avoid the sustainability of the primary sector and renounce the projects of macro-greenhouses and macro-vios.

Now, I'm sure, when you read this list, some readers might think: - Ah! These people know no more than to say no, they want to let us pass. Our progress will be interrupted.

No, under no circumstances. The message from all of them is as follows: -Like that. And that is that we have to find and apply other ways of moving forward, in the genuine sense of that word, without jeopardizing our natural capital, which is an indispensable condition for our survival. We have not said that the neoliberal option is the only possible and viable option for the future.

"We cannot say that the neoliberal option is the only possible and viable option for the future"

"We cannot say that the neoliberal option is the only possible and viable option for the future"

The common denominator of these platforms is the protection of nature and of the services of all kinds that it offers us, as well as of the territories that currently form the support of the primary sector punished by our society. To denounce this cunning, immense, devastating, relentless, despicable and unscrupulous attack on this country and its true value.

Require adequate and rigorous enforcement of existing legislation on spatial and environmental planning. And, why not say it, awaken the interest of a worrying and significant part of the population that has lost its contact with nature, which, without realizing it, considers that the artificial environment in which it lives is self-sufficient and independent of it and that, inevitably, receives from it all the resources that it consumes enthusiastically. It is a desire, in short, to put society, people, at the centre of the priorities of the evolution of our country, which is supposed to be advanced.

Araba Bizirik symbolizes the response to the megalomania of growth and the dependence on the large senseless infrastructures that try to maintain a future system and lifestyle.

It is a commitment to a life based on balance with the environment and with others, so that the means supposedly designed to facilitate people's lives are real and useful to the interests of society as a whole. Processes of generating food and energy resources, etc. decentralized in structure and ownership, and convinced of the effectiveness of its implementation in relation to social progress, welfare and equality. All the people who make up these organizations have to face, with the minimum means and with great creativity, the giants with infinite possibilities, resources and influences of power, above all, to fatten their prolific accounts of results. Unfortunately, the agreement between the famous political representatives and their media slaves is evident.

Because there are very deep issues in the debate. It is incredible that the administrations that have to protect us over corporate interests despise these issues.

Some of these are, for example, the strategies, plans and regulations on the environment and spatial planning, which are at the heart of the legal system and which are, of course, always subject to improvement.

Together with those who refer to education, science, health, social protection and equality, it is they who can perhaps put us on the path of something that can bring us closer to Sustainable Development. This field, which is still very much improved, has been the subject of significant scientific, technical, economic and human efforts. For decades, much work has been done to achieve this, both in administration and in social movements. They have had to reach a great deal of consensus and have created a complicated network of balances and compromises which, at times, have only been able to reach minima in whales.

Also, convinced of their close relationship and dependency with nature, our ancestors devised management mechanisms through a common management that has allowed that irreplaceable treasure to reach us, even if it is being reduced. These natural environments are an invincible symbol of both public and community value and need. Álava is a clear example of this, with a large percentage of its mountains under public rule.

They are public owned, making them the largest and largest reservoir of biodiversity in the Basque Country and have a fundamental role in the continental ecosystem dynamics. For all these reasons, it has become a very appetizing snack for large corporations.

Now, part of the administration, or rather part of the administration’s political classes, wants to turn a deaf ear to this whole regulation. Proof of this is that: In its claims to wind farms, Mendia has detected breaches of more than 30 plans, programmes, laws and decrees on the environment and spatial planning. And we're not talking about form errors or interpretation issues. The principles, objectives and articles of these texts have been betrayed directly.

Despite this, the laws that must be respected but which are not complied with, the verified impacts of these infrastructures, the reports of the European Union itself on the lack of profitability of high-speed networks, the dismantling occurring in the territory, the increased efficiency of the generation of renewable energy in distribution format (which is undeniable), the verifiable impacts of macro-crops and macro-livestock farming on the environment. Without shame, also disregarding the absolute rejection of the society that will suffer "its" projects, they continue to say that they will continue to seek locations for the "yours" projects that destroy the environment. Do not hesitate. They will be in front of us.

This article cannot reveal, for reasons of space and purpose, all inconsistencies and inconsistencies existing in the projects reported. Therefore, we encourage readers to visit the websites and analyze in detail the demands and alternatives raised by the social network.

"What is on the table is a strategic decision on the development model that our planet demands (and therefore all of us)"

As a result of all this dialectic, what is on the table is the strategic decision on the development model required by our planet (and, therefore, all of us). It is essential to reach what is a taboo for almost all socio-political groups and organizations, because they adhere to the neoliberal idea of infinite growth as the only way to Gross Domestic Product and "development". It is a fallacy that must be dismantled as soon as possible. On earth, no organism or system can grow to infinity. Nor does that ultra-capitalist system, of course. And if any reader reads with curiosity and intellectual asepsis, he can still see today the grave signs of the collapse of the system that can make the planet disappear in too short a time. It needs to be put in place right now.

This unspeakable principle is called permanent undergrowth. This concept is motivated by the unavoidable need to set conscious and planned limits to the conquest of the territory and to the change in the irreversible use of natural spaces in the matters in question.

In conclusion, we will make it clear that the manifestation of day 23 cannot be the end of the road. Much remains to be done, out of indignation, out of haste, but also out of believing that every effort must be made to ensure that all the strata, even the promoters of those absurdities that have existed so far, are returned and taken the land as one of our largest possessions.

As we demanded:

No, we do not want Álava to be destroyed, which is the land that has welcomed us so far and which must be the support and support of future generations.

We do not want wind power plants, photovoltaic installations, large railway infrastructures or the industrialisation of agriculture to turn Álava into a desert and a sad space, as well as for the sole benefit of investment funds and energy companies.

We call on the politicians of our institutions to fulfil their obligation to protect the territory and the people living in it.

Álava said no to this expolio.

Because we're still in time to follow the right path and be consistent, because land is our children's loan.