Half of the applicants die with the Euthanasia Law in Spain
  • In 2022, 576 citizens asked for help to kill and 288 got the support of the Euthanasia Act. The law entered into force in June 2021 and has since used 749 people. In 2021, 173 applications were submitted and 75 were accepted.
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Thus, for a year and a half, in Spain, 363 people have had the right to die from euthanasia, according to data from the Ministry of Health. In Hego Euskal Herria in 2022 there were 59 requests that helped 37 to die.

In general, the population seeking help to kill is 60 to 80 years old and has serious neurological and oncological diseases. Data include the death of one third of applicants. On the other hand, very few have asked for help to die.

The analysis of applications is carried out by the Commission on Guarantees and Studies of Euthanasia of each autonomous community, with a percentage of applications rejected less than 20%. However, the applicant always has the possibility to appeal to the same committee and one third of them have finally been authorised.

14% of the applicants for euthanasia donate their organs and 135 transplants have been performed.