Supply and demand
Rober Gutiérrez @robergutierrez 2023ko martxoaren 02a

It is often difficult to find a service or product in Basque. Not everything can be achieved in Basque. We must look for suppliers that offer us products and/or services in Basque, both in the private and professional spheres.

Consumer legislation in the regulations of the Northern Basque Country and Navarre does not expressly recognise language rights. In the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (CAPV), there are few companies with obligations that offer services of general interest. Services of general interest are defined as telephone operators, transport companies, electricity and gas marketers, credit institutions, professionals in the sale or rental of homes, companies and developers of works. Together with them, large establishments open to the public for the sale of products or services, with a workforce of more than 250 workers, with a turnover of more than 50 million euros, with a sales area of more than 400 square meters and located in the Basque capitals or in a municipality with a proportion of bilinguals greater than 33%…

In companies that want to work comfortably in Basque, we must make a special effort for all suppliers to offer us the service in Basque.

All of them must offer written information in Basque: signage, signs and posters, printed and catalogues, contracts and general conditions, communications, invoices, budgets, etc. They should also offer oral information and direct care in Basque.

Despite their obligation, infringements are numerous, as is often sufficiently proven in the annual reports of the Centre. Despite the increased legal protection in the CAPV, infringements do not adequately guarantee citizens’ rights. No penalty is applied either.

Moreover, many do not fall into the category of services of general interest and affect our daily lives. There are also major shortcomings in the business sector. Think, if not, what challenge is the access in Euskera to all the suppliers that influence the functioning of a company: those related to safety, all kinds of advisory services, insurance, medical examinations… Beyond the limits of the legislation, we try to influence frequently and, in the companies that we want to work comfortably in Euskera, we have to make a special effort for all the suppliers to offer us the service in Euskera. However, we do not always succeed. Fortunately, more and more companies are working on the integration of Euskera and the supply of products and services in Euskera. But are we increasingly demanding and using these services in Basque? Customer demand may partly condition the use of a language.

We must work to strengthen supply and demand, as benefits and opportunities will be created for businesses. Languages are also engines of the economy and have a significant impact on our well-being and on the development of a fairer and more sustainable territory. Do we face the challenge?

Rober Gutiérrez

Director of the Bai Euskarari Association