ESK denounces "fraud" of the labor regulation dossier of Tubes Reunidos
  • The company applies a UTE with wage cuts, employment of unemployed staff and increased public spending, although with record earnings. In addition, to increase flexibility, the union says in the press release that it "blackmails" the workforce.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 23a
Amurrioko Tubos Reunidos. Argazkia: ESK sindikatua.

In the first half of this year, Tubes Reunidos earned EUR 54.5 million net profit, EBITDA 87 million, EUR 333 million business figures and 36% growth. The company has established a six-month temporary regulation for "bad market forecasting", with a maximum impact of 50% of the working day for the Amurrio plant. After the six-month "sprint", the company stops it collecting the multi-month "mattress" to undertake outstanding investments. According to the ESK trade union, the most delicious moment on the market has been taken advantage of, leaving for price reductions the works planned for this year.

As the CSR denounces, "all this would be perfectly possible if the payers of this plan were not workers, with wage cuts and with unemployment benefit expenditure, and all citizens, with the payments to be made by the SEPE".

Wage supplements, currency exchange

In addition, following what the union denounces, they offer wage supplements as "currency exchange" to accept temporary labor regulation and the reasons given by the company. The company wanted to devote part of the collective agreement it signed last month with the Works Council (UGT - LAB-CCOO) to renegotiation.

The CSR sees this ERTE as an instrument in the hands of the company to obtain the flexibility they did not achieve in the collective agreement: "It's time for the administration to say it's enough and to hold accounts with the company that wants to fatten shareholders' pockets and create dividends," the union said. They point out that organizations are "accomplices" because they do not conduct active and deeper monitoring of these processes, and the government does not stop this type of practice.