Closure of the extension of the Esa reservoir
  • According to the Rio Aragon Association, the expansion of the Esa reservoir is paralyzed by "insecurity". This group requests the suspension of the contract and the revision of the project. They call on the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation to accept "unfeasibility".
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia Maialen Huarte Arano 2023ko urriaren 26a

The expansion of the Esa reservoir is paralysed. This has been reported by the Rio Aragon Association. For 22 years, attempts have been made to expand this reservoir and since then there have been only "problems". "There is no security and viability cannot be guaranteed," the Association stressed. "The Yesa reservoir has two operators in recent weeks, one in administrative tasks and the other in safety. In this way, it is being achieved not to interrupt the contract that is underway with the company UTE Yesa," said Rio Aragón. In fact, two employees cannot be accused of "abandonment" and of suspending the employment contract. Belen Ausejo Urbizi says that in addition to moving the right slope other problems are emerging to the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation and the Spanish Ministry: "The one on the left also has problems. Some of them are poorly built and some should move 40 meters," they say. The defence wall of the Sigues people is also poorly built with a fourth published modification. "The Ministry has not acted clearly in expanding this reservoir and it is not now easy to have information," he said.

Faced with this situation, the platform Sin más Esa and the Rio Aragon Association request the "non-feasibility" and the paralysis of Esa's expansion works and the suspension of the contract. "The project should be reviewed from the top down and the current press set. In this way, the security level should be lowered to 460 and the mistakes made so far should be corrected," they say.

The expansion of the Esa reservoir began in 2001 and the budget planned at that time has quadrupled. They have spent a total of EUR 400 million. Insecurity has called into question the extension of the reservoir, particularly because of the movements taking place on the right side.