Overflowing edges to occupy the center
  • Feminist Strike last year "Here we are!" if it served him to say it out loud, I can say this year’s cry: "And we have a lot to say!" It's been.
Irati Majuelo Itoiz 2019ko martxoaren 11
Iruñeko kaleak. Argazkia:

It is not easy to make an assessment of a Feminist Strike, let alone make general reflections from personal experiences. Anyway, I'm going to throw four ideas from the eyes of someone who's been on the periphery of the organization. In summary, last year's Feminist Strikes "here we are!" if it served him to say it out loud, I can say this year’s cry: "And we have a lot to say!" It's been. The discourse has laid the foundations against heteropatriarchy, capitalism and racism and has built a feminist alternative, there is nothing else to see in the report prepared by the Feminist Movement of Euskal Herria. The radicality and plurality contained in the discourse that we live in the body of Pamplona, when the representatives of the blocks of the manifestation (functional diversity, rural, migrants, young people, pensioners, prisoners) took the floor.

But if Navarre is going to be a feminist, it will be thanks to the towns and neighborhoods. The greatest bet this year has been decentralization, and it has to be said that the level of organization of the peoples of Navarre has been enormous. From north to south, east to west, there have been no unmobilized valleys. It touched me to move social media, and it was amazing to see the pictures that every village was climbing. You are the strength of the feminist Navarre!

It should be noted that, following last year’s success, this year’s strike has also had to cope with an increase in feminist laundering in political parties, the media and companies. As was said in the demonstration in Pamplona, let them be clear: feminism cannot be domesticated, you have us in front!

I can't end without mentioning the organization. My greatest admiration to those who for months have left everyday life in a corner, to try to put everyone’s lives at the center. Beyond mobilizations, the network you have taken will not break neoliberalism. Thank you very much. Brotherhood and organization!