The Internal Affairs Unit of the Department of Security of the Basque Government is analysing the attitude of the Ertzaintza in the carnivals of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa). According to the Diario Vasco, the study reveals that the projectile foam hit a young man in his arm and hit him with a bounce in Villabona (Gipuzkoa).
According to the investigation, the young man was beaten in the eye by an ertzaina who fired four shots with the gun, and “complied” with the protocol by shooting more than 50 meters away and hitting the lower parts of the body. To continue the research they ask for videos of the day of the event. In addition to the young man from Villabona, two other young people were injured by the Ertzaintza, and that is also being investigated.
The young man is struck in the eye after an operation in the eye with “irreversible effects.” By breaking the crystalline lens, it doesn't fully regain sight. The Xuhar Popular Platform has tabled a motion at the Amasa-Villabona City Hall (Gipuzkoa) to denounce the “immoderate” police intervention. The filmmakers of the PNV and the PSE have opposed it and those of EH Bildu have opposed it to favor.La a motion asking for clarification as to why the Ertzaintza acted like this and to act responsibly.
PNV:“Xuhar was not shot”
Through the motion, the platform denounces that police action was “excessive” and “excessive”. But, according to Arantzazu Rojo of the PNV, “Xuhar was not shot”, and it cannot be resolved if the burden of the Ertzaintza was “excessive” or “inadequate”. He adds that the police intervention was “necessary” and that until we know the results of the investigation it is not possible to assess whether it acted correctly or not.
Neighbors, spending and the father of the young man, Jon Pazos, accuse the councilors who have denied “shame”.
EH Bildu, for its part, has expressed to the youth his “total solidarity” and stressed that the “violent attitude” of the Ertzaintza has had similar consequences. For example, Remi Aiestaran, deputy mayor who died of a heart attack following the 2009 incidents with the Ertzaintza: “We are clear that if the Ertzaintza had not acted violently, Remi would not die that day.”