The Ertzaintza identifies five people in an action for the Xirimiri association of Lasarte
  • At 8 p.m. on Friday, several neighbours went for a walk with pro-Xirimiri proclamations. When more than twenty people met, the Ertzaintza took this initiative as a demonstration and identified five people: three for being "organizers" and two for recording police. Once they had done this, they let them go ahead.
Txintxarri @txintxarrieus 2020ko maiatzaren 17a
Xirimiri elkartearen aldeko mobilizazio bat, 2015eko ekainekoa. Argazkia: Txintxarri

The journalist of Berria Maider Premio has been in charge of publicizing the news, through social networks:




The news has been disseminated on social networks and several local agents have answered media questions. For example, Ernaik de Lasarte-Oria:



Initiatives in favour of Xirimiri

On 30 April, the Xirimiri Board of Directors reported that the National Hearing has held two accounts of the association for the same amount as in 2002. The ruling of the so-called herriko tabernas case has begun to be executed and to seize the account of the bars and associations of the processed locality.

Faced with this situation, citizens are starting to take initiatives in favour of Xirimiri. The Lasarteoriatarras have made a video with photographs of 30 years of history; they have pasted a few post-it, papers and posters in the town, explaining what Xirimiri means for them – the city council banned the initial call – and yesterday they took a walk with the demands of the association.