The Ertzaintza attacks the strikers of Alconza in Berango
  • On Monday, the Ertzaintza hit the strikers of Alconza de Berango, who have completed 57 days of indefinite strike. The plant belonging to the Irizar Group, managed by the company Norgestion, has started to turn on the machines taking advantage of the workers who are not on strike. The number of vans in the Ertzaintza that were outside the street has hit the workers who protested at the door.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 25
Langile bat ospitalera eraman behar izan dute.

Journalist Iker Rincón Moreno reported in Hirukan that last February the Irizar Group’s management presented a ere (ere) for the Alconza plant in Berango, which would result in the dismissal of 38 people, 40% of the workforce.

The workers have already laid off 25 people, but they have decided to continue the strike until all the parties rejoin the call.

On Monday, the Ertzaintza hit the workers who protested at the opening of the factory and the start-up of the Norgestione machines.

The quote was at 07:00 this Tuesday morning, in front of the factory.