Police seek a man who has stolen a particular weapon from an ertzaina
  • According to the Basque Government Security Advisor, Josu Erkoreka, the alleged robber has a history of male violence and the Ertzaintza has put in place special measures to protect his former partner. They decide to extend the search field beyond Barakaldo.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko azaroaren 20a
Ertzaintzaren bilaketa lanak, Barakaldon // Argazkia: EITB

Since Saturday the Ertzaintza seeks a man who has stolen a particular weapon from an ertzaina of Barakaldo (Bizkaia). Although they are still investigating the robbery, Josu Erkoreka has pointed out in Radio Euskadi that the man has entered the house of the ertzaina and has brought a backpack he had at home. Inside was the particular weapon of ertzaina.

Erkoreka has pointed out that the case has “special complexity” since the alleged thief has a history of male violence. The Ertzaintza has therefore had to strengthen the surveillance and protection measures to protect its former partner and have deployed a great search facility throughout the village.

In the surroundings of Barakaldo the man is sought. According to the latest news, on Sunday they found the ertzaina backpack on Zubileta Street, but the weapon was not inside. That is why they have extended the search work.