Report a homophobic attack on the Errezil festivities
  • The City Hall of Errezil has reported that a group of men with a covered face and a “very violent” attitude attacked a couple’s house and insulted the couple. The City Hall condemns the attack.
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko ekainaren 18a
Maiatzaren 17an Bilboko udaletxean homofobiaen aurkako protesta. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

The attack took place during the festivities of San Antonio de Errezil, around 22:30 Friday. The City Hall explains that the group of assailant men tried to force the door of the couple’s house, threw stones at the windows and insulted them as “pals” and “dirty Spaniards”. “We don’t know who they were, but they knew where they were going, they knew where they lived and they went to look for them,” said Errezil Mayor Luis María Arzalluz.

The City Council denounces the aggression by means of a note. He states that he has not called for any mobilisation at the request of the injured couple. He contacted those affected to convey their solidarity and support. “What has happened is very serious and we will not allow any kind of homophobic, male or discriminatory attack,” said the City Hall of Errezil. A meeting was held on Monday to discuss the facts by the team involved in the protocol against the chauvinist and homophobic attacks.

The mayor of Errezil pointed out that the citizens were “surprised” and that they saw “the need to do something”. The Itaia organization of Urola Erdia has denounced the homophobic attack on social networks and has been “another example of violence experienced by the LGTB collective on a daily basis”.