The French Government continues with its intention to delay the retirement age
  • The Government intends to tighten the conditions for retirement and to delay the retirement age to 64 or 65 years. Reform can be implemented by decree, without a vote.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2022ko abenduaren 14a
Elisabeth Borne

The French Government announced in September its intention to amend and tighten certain pension conditions by means of a reform. One of the measures that has meant the most is that, within the reform, the government intends to delay the retirement age, although it has not determined how much. President Emmanuel Macron spoke of the possibility of delaying the campaign to 65, but he also mentioned the 64 year deadline since then. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne seems to be presenting details of pension reform this week.

The government says that if the retirement age is not prolonged, the pension system will have "unbearable deficits". At the moment, they seem to have rejected the reduction in the amount of pensions or the increase in social contributions. However, the possibility of postponing the retirement age again has generated anger, such as the unions that have shown their intention to protest in January. Also in 2010, when Nicolas Sarkozy was president, the French Government delayed the retirement age from 60 to 62 years.

This time, however, it is possible for the Government to introduce reform by decree, in use of Article 49.3 of the French Constitution. This article says that the government can introduce a measure with a decree in force by avoiding debate and parliamentary voting. It also imposes general budgets.

The Spanish State has also been in the process of delaying the retirement age for nine years, which will end in 2017 with the extension of the age to 67 years. Currently, the retirement age is 66 years and two months, with contributions of 37 years and 6 months. These deadlines shall be extended from 1 January: It will last 66 years and four months, with a contribution of 37 years and nine months.