The United Kingdom prohibits ads from Repsol, Shell and Petronas, believing they have done ‘Greenwashing
  • The UK Advertising Standards Officer says the three tankers are "fooling the public." Renewable energy announcements do not mention the pollution that these companies produce.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 09a

The UK Advertising Standards Officer announces new measures to deal with Greenwashing. Shelle, Shell, has banned the advertising of the multinationals Shell, Repsol and Petronas so that citizens invest in renewable energy because they do not reveal the pollution these companies cause. Guy Parker, executive director of the institution that has banned these ads, said that “we have to be very careful about these kinds of ads that show an environmental image.”

According to the organisation, only its positive effects are mentioned in company notices, not to mention any negative impact on the environment. According to the organization’s data, they represent a small part of companies’ investments in renewables, and stress that the advertisements show a “false image” because companies want to represent that their wager is absolutely renewable, even if not.