Certainly, the demonstration that took place on 20 November in Baiona was significant. Firstly, because of the importance it has had, because it has expressed growing concern on the people concerned and on the issues. It is also significant, due to its form of organization and the voices it has highlighted, the vertex of great work or, perhaps, the starting point of the different mobilizations of the future.
The center has a platform composed of organizations that aims to be a lever to promote more honest and regular policies, with an approach that follows the dynamics of the main militancies of recent years, which aims to be a attentive and structured civil organization, in collaboration with local and elected officials. Will it be able to influence the public authorities, being faster than the commercial logic? If the effort made has one merit: wanting to provide concrete answers to a complex question. And it would no longer be wrong to limit the disaster. The results may be similar to ambitions, but this great starter engine will open up many possibilities, visions and debates.
Go ahead? Not everything can be praise. By way of example, the reception of the mayor of Hazparne in this demonstration in Baiona, in which we know the attempts of the young people of his people to evict the occupied people from gaztetxe, in the name of private property and without proposing viable solutions, is another element to understand the situation in which we find ourselves. Once again, the band of opportunists dressed in a nice jacket likes to appear next to the village and the president of the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde has gone dancing in exchange for cheap measures and expressions. This logic, of course, is simplified by interclavian tactics and flat messages, even more so when it has been put in place and approved. Perhaps, in the case of fully social housing, the organizations of the platform will respond to the need to gradually incorporate more demanding alternatives; those who want to be the main axis of the dynamics must respond to this demand.
They also know that movement is plural. That is the case, and it will become more and more. Starting with the heterogeneous local groups that are developing in different places and have already won battles, as in Urkoi. Or the children who are going to be fertilized by these occupations that have marked the landscape, especially after the succession of the former BOST group or the winning initiative against Donamartiri's 5G. There are also dyes that frequently flourish in the windows of the real estate, sometimes with the desire to climb one or more bites to go beyond the painting. And the binary analysis that communist-anti-fascists do, that institutions are part of the problem and they don't participate in any of the solution. Surely, I forget other nuances and associations, because in this crisis of lands and houses are transforming and spreading to militants and supporters of Ipar Euskal Herria, to such an extent that it is certain that we have stopped mentioning. A common enemy had long been needed and, above all, a delicate, hard situation, in which everything resumed its march, in which the divisions were calm down and a little more unity was sought. Let us hope that all the sectors involved will be strengthened, without exception.
Cross-cutting or antagonistic initiatives? At the moment it cannot be answered clearly, because the future is open. In the starting line there are many people with different intentions and objectives, and that is that many have a tendency to preach for their chapel. As long as there is no clear convergence, it is desirable that rival trends take parallel paths with an efficiency criterion: the ability to articulate differences intelligently to prevent violations.
In any case, for those of us who feel better in horizontal groupings and without acronyms, with temporary or long-term occupations, disobedience and with the intention of carrying out different direct actions, it is about leaving the current micropolicies and making teeth, in order to organize ourselves to last, slowly and safely. To turn the puzzle piece into a fondeada, for each to set theirs so far.
In the face of what some would think, priority is not a search for radicality to “have fun.” In the conflicts that arise around the current buildings or projects filled with cement, looking closely at movements such as the ZAD or the Earth Tracks, the choice of appropriate means of action will be proposed that have an early or late incidence. To the extent possible, and to the extent that we are aware of our forces and capabilities, we propose to mobilize the centre of gravity of the movement to make it more aggressive, with more alternatives outside the current system.
We must devise another project of territory, of profound social and ecological transformation, without fear of actions and words, taking into account colleagues who do not always think like us.
It is the fight against a model that gives every facility to the rich to become even richer, without punishment and to the detriment of the vast majority. Our struggle is to create mutual societies and altruisms, in favour of land and housing, so that the project of the Basque people’s revolution becomes a precedent, not for soup, with a free home and plot for all. No more and no less!