Residential workers start a march in Gipuzkoa
  • This is the 107 day of strike in the residences and day centres of Gipuzkoa. After announcing the mobilizations, the march that Gipuzkoa will go through in the Gipuzkoa capital, Donostia-San Sebastián, began on Monday.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2019ko urriaren 08a
Erresidentzietako langileen martxa, Egia auzoan. (Argazkia: Inaxio Esnaola)

Over the next two weeks, different peoples of Euskal Herria will be visiting to assert their rights. Beasain, Ordizia, Zumaia, Zarautz, Irun, Eskoriatza, Arrasate, Tolosa, Billabona, Errenteria-Orereta, Eibar, Elgoibar, Azkoitia and Azpetia, among others, will end on 18 Donostia-San Sebastián.

They say they're going to keep fighting. The Basque institutions have warned that they will continue to protest if they do not improve their conditions and those of the elderly.