Show the Ospa Eguna in Altsasu
"It's time to strengthen the anti-repression movement"
  • The Ospa movement has presented this year’s Ospa Eguna. It will be held on 29 August, Saturday. The movement has already prepared a programme for the previous working days.
Guaixe .eus @guaixe 2020ko uztailaren 30
2020eko Ospa eguna aurkeztu dute.

Out! The movement has affirmed in its presentation of the Ospa Eguna 2020 that "it is the context of a capitalist offensive, the time to devise the movement against repression", so this year they want to demand "solidarity in the face of repression, mutual support, disobedience to repressive forces, provocation, self-defense, repression...". August 29 will be Ospa Day, but it has already organised several activities before. Calls have been made by the conveners to "go" to the Alsasua concentration.


Saturday, 22 August

10:00 From here the inscription for the cross will open.

11:00 Alde Hemendik cross.

Tuesday, 25 August

18:30 Computer security (talk workshop).

Thursday, 27 August

19:00 Talk.

Saturday, 29 August. Ospa Eguna.

13:00 Correction of the popular mural and auzatea in the Plaza del Arkangola.

15:00 Food.

19:00 Kalejira from Plaza de los Fueros.

Note: For everyone's safety: apply the kiss, maintain the interpersonal distance and use the hydroalcoholic gel.