Tribute to those who suffered the Francoist repression in Debagoiena
  • Organized by the association Intxorta 1937 and with the support of the municipalities of Debagoiena, it will pay tribute this Thursday to the victims of the valley in Arizmendiarreta Square in Arrasate.
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Under the slogan "Egia eta Justizia" and "Stop to impunity", the residents of the Upper Must who suffered the repression of Franco since 1936 will be honoured. The event will take place in the face of the monolith that has been put in its favour and in which bertsolaris and dantzaris will be involved, among others.

The monolith was built in 2003 and the names of 116 people from the valley who were killed or disappeared by the Francoists were named. Now, add the names of six other people. In addition to the floral offering to these victims, their families will receive a work from the sculptor Iñigo Arrangi, with representatives of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, accompanied by music.

83 years outside the country of origin

The same act shall also pay tribute to an exiled person: Francisca García, who has turned 83 years away from her home country. Intxorta 1937 explains that only a year later he had to flee from Mondragon with his family and in the war they killed his father, his brothers and an uncle and his mother was deaf again.

In the post-war period, Francisca settled in the Barcelona town of Vilanova i Geltrú and recently contacted the Mondragon City Hall to inform him that his father had died in the battle of the Dragons Battalion. The City Hall went to the association Intxorta 1937. So, "83 years later, he'll come back to Mondragon," they've explained since the association.