They ask that all stories be included in the tribute to Lasa and Zabala
  • On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the disappearance of Lasa and Zabala, an annual tribute was paid on 16 October at the txoko in the Olarrain district of Tolosa.
Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria Itzea Urkizu 2018ko urriaren 17a
Argazkia: Tolosaldeko Ataria.

From the neighborhood of Olarrain, and looking at the top of Uzturre, the sky has become colored. The quotation is at the time of each year, as it is a quotation for annual reasons. It is 35 years since the disappearance of Joxi Zabala and Joxean Lasa and, once again, they have repeated an act to keep their memory alive and demand the truth, at the gates of their monolith.

The act has been announced by the sound of the strings and the txalaparta, and bertsolari Aitor Mendiluze has taken the floor and the song. Axun Lasa, PILI Zabala and her mother have danced a greeting of honor and made the traditional floral offering.

Together with the families and families of Joxi Zabala and Joxean Lasa, more political representatives than usual attended the celebration of the 35th anniversary of their disappearance, torture and murder. The event was attended, on the one hand, by EH coordinator Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, the secretary general of sortu, Arkaitz Rodríguez, the parliamentarian of Euskal Herria Bildu Julen Arzuaga and several representatives of EH Bildu de Tolosaldea.

As for the municipal government of Tolosa, the representatives of the PNV have come as a municipal group to the act of Lasa and Zabala: In Olarrain there have been Mayor Olatz Peon and PNV councilor Jokin Azkue. Pello Etxabe and Igor EZENARRO, members of the municipal group of EH Bildu, also participated in the event.

In this sense, the leader of Sortu Haimar Altuna highlighted in his speech at the end of the act the "great determination" that the members of the Sortu have shown: "It has a lot of meaning that the representatives of the municipal government of Tolosa are here. For the Abertzale left, such gestures are of great importance, and they have shown great courage," he added. In this sense, the representative of Sortu has asked the parties to "continue taking steps" and that they too "are willing to take all necessary steps".

Memory and the future

The representative of Sortu Haimar Altuna has begun to step back in the report of the Lasa eta Zabala case, recalling that his relatives are victims of state terrorism iradokiz.Horrela and explaining that the conflict is not over and that it will be necessary to know the whole truth and recognize the right to decide.

In addition, the representative of Sortu stressed the need to present all the stories "delving into the truth": "The truth is in all accounts, and we will not admit a single and imposed account (...) The Abertzale left has taken significant steps, assuming the damage caused by the conflict (...). That is why we want to say firmly that the steps of all parties that have had some responsibility are imprescindibles.Tenemos the right to know the truth. Why are there 5,000 tortured in Euskal Herria? When should they acknowledge the responsibility for dispersal policies? What political motivation did he have at the Tolosa Cemetery when they brought the remains of Lasa and Zabala to violently attack his family and friends? ".

Finally, he has called for the reparation of all the victims to "build a future in which Euskal Herria is capable".

This news has been published by the Tolosaldea Portal and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.