Hackmeeting 2019 will be held in Errekaleor from 20 to 22 September
  • The plenary will be held between 20 and 22 September in the Vitorian district of Errekaleor to fill the spaces free of "subversive technology".
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko irailaren 06a

“The end of the present is getting closer. Technology makes it possible to create worlds in different ways, but large companies are immediately unraveling the possibilities of building a new world,” says the manifesto that calls people to the meeting.

The technology elites say they want a world governed by their algorithms, designed to "spoil social relationships" and distribute to the workers. Faced with this imposition, the organizers of Hackmeeting 2019 claim “hacktibism”.

“This year we will receive Errekaleor Bizirik!, a neighborhood that shows its ability to deal with financial speculation. This is another local community and its previous work helps us in the resistance to technocapitalism,” the organizers say.