Sortu calls a demonstration in Pamplona on 16 January to denounce the "abuse" of the regime
  • Regarding the mergers and acts held on 12 October in Pamplona/Iruña, 12 people have been summoned to the National Court for crimes against the Crown. In view of this situation, Sortu has called for a demonstration for the next 16 January in Bilbao.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urtarrilaren 05
Iruñeko elkarretaratzea urriaren 12an/ Argazkia: @sortuEH Iruñeko elkarretaratzea urriaren 12an/ Argazkia: @sortuEH

On October 12, coinciding with the day of the regime in the Spanish State, numerous mobilizations were carried out under the motto "Nothing to celebrate". In the spectacular initiative of Pamplona participated sortu and other agents to denounce the colonialist and undemocratic character of the Kingdom of Spain, Christopher Columbus and Felipe VI. They brought down a simulated statue of the King of Spain. Since then, 12 people have been called to the National High Court, charged with crimes against the Crown.

In the face of this situation, Sortu called for the demonstration: In order to continue to denounce the regime and its abuse, he has called to participate in the demonstration that will take place on 16 January at 17:30 a.m. in Antoniutti in Pamplona.