La Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos enters into tranquil sections demanded by the autistic associations
  • In the time of macro-shows and macro-stimuli, common to decibels and extreme illuminators, the demand for return associations of children with autism is gradually increasing, even in the parades of the Magi: neither music, nor lighting, nor fast speed, make a part of the journey calmly.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2025eko urtarrilaren 07a
Gasteizko Udala

In Vitoria-Gasteiz, the multitudinous parade, involving more than 300 people, dropped the volume of carrion music at the end of the tour thinking about children with hearing hypersensitivity. In Bilbao, during the reception of the Magi on 5 January, music was shut down for a while. The autism associations have been clapping for years, and more and more have adapted part of the show in the Spanish State (in Catalonia, in some thirty municipalities): music and lighting go down, or shut down live, remove the special effects and fireworks or flares, shut off the microphone, loosen the speed of the carriages… The feast of stimulus relaxes and silence and the silence and flares.

Silence also at the patron saint festivities

One of the main antecedents is the barracks. More and more afternoons or days are kept, so that children who are hypersensitive can enjoy the bars in silence and turn off the music and sirens, which are usually so loud. Behind this initiative are also the families of autistic children, as the change has taken place because of their struggle. Donostia, Bilbao, Barakaldo, Arrasate, Irun… are some of those who play this way, and this summer the barracks of Vitoria-Gasteiz have joined the initiative. “Autism is an invisible disorder. The sounds can be heard multiplied by ten and the multitude of stimuli can generate anxiety; many families of children with autistic disorder decide not to go directly to very loud events”, said in summer from the Association of Autism of Álava, celebrating the imposition of the measure also in Vitoria.

We've heard more than one of the parents of the child who has these characteristics: the volume of music so loud and so intense can cause the central system to saturate and be in crisis, to be frightened, to shake. It can even be painful for them. In fact, at ARGIA, we've written recently about the suffering that some people suffer from the noise that comes from the bitches, the Bengal, the Traca, the rockets and other pyrotechnic devices.

In fact, noise is closely linked to the way we enliven parties. We can ask ourselves whether it is always and always necessary to rain decibels, effects and stimuli for a show to be delicious and attractive.