The Yellow Tide for Refugees will be held on Saturday in Gorliz and Plentzia
  • The initiative, organised by the ONGI platform Etorri Errefuxiatuak, has a twofold objective this year: on the one hand, to make visible the plight of millions of people around the world and, on the other hand, to encourage governments and institutions to adopt migration and reception policies that respect the human rights enshrined in international treaties. The appointment will be on Saturday, August 21 in Astondo, from 12:00.
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Aurreko urteetan egindako Marea Horiaren irudia.

The ONGI platform Etorri Errefuxiatuak is set at 12:00 on the beach of Gorliz, and from there they will head to the centre of Plentzia to pay tribute to the missing people in the Plaza del Astillero and make a floral offering.

As the organisers have explained, the Saturday event has a twofold objective: on the one hand, to make visible the harsh reality that millions of people live throughout the world, who, for various reasons, must leave their countries of origin and take a winding road full of risks and difficulties to reach Europe. On the other hand, they wish to encourage Governments and institutions to adopt immigration and reception policies that respect the human rights enshrined in international treaties.

On Saturday, they will demand that in the Spanish State and in the Basque Country refugees be in conditions of dignity and have access to public rights, services and resources. "We want a welcoming Basque Country, respectful of difference, built with people of different origins that today make up our societies, rooted in equal rights and the heterogeneity of cultures. We were exiled to be a refuge," they claimed from the support platform for the refugees.


  • At 12:00 hours, the march will depart from the access ramp to the beach of Astondo, until the end of the beach of Plentzia.
  • At 13:00 hours, a human chain will be held in the port of Plentzia along the river promenade to the Plaza del Astillero, where an act of tribute will be celebrated.
  • At 14:00, once the event is over, a pintxo-pot will be offered in the Shipyard Square.