Journalist Petra Laszlo, who ruined the refugees
  • In 2015, the Hungarian journalist Petra Laszlo sparked a great deal of controversy around the world: it was a Hungarian television, N1, which was trying to report on a group of refugees escaping from the camps in which they were locked up, a medium close to the far right, and some images showed how it shot down some of these refugees. They have just been acquitted of that act.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 31
Polemika handia eragin zuen Petra Laszlo kazetariaren portaerak 2015ean.

Petra Laszlo was receiving with his camera what happened on the border between Serbia and Hungary on 8 September 2015. In an area of that border, hundreds of refugees who were locked up there began to flee and the assailants managed to escape the population. Laszlo threw some of the people fleeing the police and kicked others.

Now, the Hungarian Supreme Court has ruled that Laszlo did not commit any crime and that the police did not. It has been acquitted by the events that have taken place in the video below.

Former television journalist N1 had previously been sentenced to three years ' probation for a crime of vandalism. He was driven out of that medium near the far right, after the controversial video that was broadcast all over the world.

The Aragonese media Arainfo has announced the decision of the Hungarian Supreme Court on the Nóos case. As it is read in it, the court considers that Laszlo’s performance was not a crime, although it has described it as unfair, “morally reprehensible” and “punishable by law.” However, Hungarian judges believe that the punishable offence has already been prescribed, and Laszlo will not be punished.

In the recordings, the journalist realized that he had hit a young woman who was drunk with her leg. Then she made the flounder for Osama Abdul, a refugee, and her son, who was holding his arms. However, according to the judges, Laszlo’s behavior is not “antisocial” or “anticommunity”, so it cannot be described as vandalism.