The Waste Consortium will invoke the judgment that has acquitted Errazkin and Intxaurrandieta
  • The Gipuzkoa Waste Consortium (GHK), managed by the PNV and the PSE, wants Errazkin and Intxaurrandieta to pay the economic cost of the closure of the Zubieta incinerator project in 2013 (over EUR 40 million).
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 25
Albo bietan, Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta eta Iñaki Errazkin.

The Spanish Court of Auditors has blamed Iñaki Errazkin and Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta, a former Member of the Environment of Gipuzkoa and former President of the Commonwealth of GHK, on the grounds that the incinerator project was "over-sized".

GHK, for its part, wishes to appeal the judgment. There will be an extraordinary assembly on Monday, and if the proposal were to succeed, which is logical, because the PNV and the PSE have a majority, another chamber of the Spanish Court of Auditors would study the appeal. The judicial process, however, can reach the Supreme Court.