Demand of organisations from EAMs: "Do not feed the monster, do not send our waste to the incinerator"
  • The Anti-Incinerator Movement, at its hearing in Potxoenea before the demonstration "SOS Usurbil, stop the incinerator" organized by the City of Usurbil, has made public the current situation.
Usurbilgo Noaua @noaua 2019ko abenduaren 17a
(Argazkia: Noaua)

They have made a direct request to the institutions, in particular to the municipalities. Now that the incinerator is being tested, "don't feed the monster, don't send our waste to the incinerator." On the other hand, a direct message to San Sebastian, a city with a poor selective collection and, above all, the capital of Gipuzkoa: "Come to Usurbil and see from here the polluting smoke that expels the burning of waste destined to burn out because of your indifference! ". The third message is to those responsible for setting up the incinerator. "We will not forget the names of the authorities that have launched this criminal project, either in Zubieta or in Gipuzkoa." They wanted to make it clear that they will not give up the fight against the incineradora.Aqui have the full declaration of the Anti-Incinerator Movement at the hearing of Potxoene:


Do not feed the incinerator, it is time to take new steps

In the end, the furnaces of the Gipuzkoa incinerator have been fired. Neither the will of the public, nor the serious warnings of the doctors, nor the demands of social movements, unions, parties and associations, nor show that there are better, cleaner, cheaper and more effective alternatives... nor without heeding anybody or anything, in the end the political authorities and the large corporations of Gipuzkoa have built and ignited the incinerator of Zubieta. We will not forget the names of the authorities that have launched this criminal project, either in Zubieta or in Gipuzkoa.

As well as highlighting our authorities’ dependence on neoliberal development, the Zubieta incinerator has been built at a time when everyone has been concerned about the Climate Emergency, which, in addition to other pollution and other injustices, will further aggravate global warming.

We will again make it clear to the leaders of the PNV and the PSOE and to the companies that have set up the incinerator with their complicity: burning and squandering raw materials is not a sustainable activity, they lie when talking about the circular economy. And we want to remind the public: The consumerist model of "the thousand and the eggs" is reactionary, acting as if the resources of this world had no limits is insanity, it is a catastrophe that today we cause many peoples and people of the world, and more disaster for our sons and daughters and for future generations. This is not the way!

They have finally set up the Gipuzkoa incinerator in Donostia-San Sebastián. But from the Incinerator Movement we say loud and clear: we are not going to give up the fight against the incinerator. And we want to explain to the citizens of Gipuzkoa that the time has come to take new steps on the road against the incinerator, on the road to the construction of a new model of Zero Zabor and circular economy. To our rulers, to the Basque Government, to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, to the mancommunities and to the municipal authorities that surround us … we must demand from all: Don't burn our waste!

Do not feed the monster, do not send our waste to the incinerator.

First of all, we appeal to the Gipuzkoan municipalities that are still lamenting the selective collection and, in particular, to the authorities of the capital, the City of Donostia. Mayors and councillors of San Sebastian: the farce was finally over, the shame that has turned the city of Gipuzkoa into a "beautiful, dirty countryside" is broken. Donostiarrak: Your rubbish is your responsibility, you have no right to make others pay for bad eating. Like the Donostiarras and the Donostiarras, the people of other cities and towns of Gipuzkoa who are still very badly in the selective collection: come to Usurbil and discover from here the polluting smoke generated by burning waste destined to burn.

It is true that many other municipalities in Gipuzkoa have made great strides in the selective collection of waste, some of which are even examples in Europe. But that's not enough anymore. As we had the courage to launch effective thematic collections, the time has come to take firm steps not to cooperate with the incinerator. - No to incineration! If this is our cry, we must take a new step: our municipalities must rigorously commit themselves not to sending the waste collected by them to the Zubieta incinerator. The demand is clear: neither in the municipalities, nor in which waste is collected well separately, nor in the municipalities, nor in the municipalities, nor in the municipalities.

The citizens of Gipuzkoa must also invent new actions so that the criminal incinerator of Zubieta does not pollute or damage the people around him and the future citizen.

Do not feed the incinerator!

Movement against the Incinerator