They denounce the attempt to criminalize social protest and support the Marchists against the incinerator
  • Today, in Donostia-San Sebastian, the trial against the four accused of the march against the Zubieta incinerator began in September 2018. At the court door, they have shown their support for the demonstrators and have denounced the trial.
Usurbilgo Noaua @noaua 2019ko abenduaren 05

On one side, the emblematic symbol against the incinerator, on the other side, a face drawn with eyes and mouth covered by hand, among them "we are clear that there is no incinerator". Aldarrio moved this Wednesday morning at the door of the Court of Egia of Donostia-San Sebastián convened by the Anti-Incineration Movement of Gipuzkoa.

On Wednesday, they began to testify before the judge, at zero of Zubieta’s incineration, to the trial of the four people who participated in the march against the incinerator that took place in September 2018. On that day, the Ertzaintza attacked nearly 2,000 people who participated in the march. Taking advantage of the force, the demonstrators were expelled peacefully along the mountain path of all and all; among them, they were wounded. And the Ertzaintza filed a complaint against the four defendants, who have been arrested at the trial.

This complaint comes from the trial that began this Wednesday morning at the National Hearing. The defendants waited on their arrival at the court to show their solidarity with the concentration called by the Anti-Incineration Movement on the court portal. At the court door they have stood in the first place and turned around the lobby square with cries like "no to incineration", "neither hears Olano in Zubieta nor in one", "climate change=incinerator", "protesting is not a crime".

In the end, the call for mobilisation has recalled that, in the face of this attempt to criminalize social protests, "we have to protect each other" and these protests must be continued. What is more, as you have pointed out, at the time when the Zubieta incinerator is being unleashed.

Second meeting on 9 January

The first trial session has been held today; although two others have already been announced, a new session will be held on 9 January. As today, the Anti-Incineration Movement has called for mobilisation for that day as well. He has called a repulse for January 9 in the same place today, at 10:30 a.m.


Four people have been summoned to the court accused of taking part in the march we made in September last year to the incinerator in Zubieta. Almost 2,000 people have been told that they are being investigated as responsible for public disorder with the protest in which we participated. Two of them are from Zubieta, one from Lasarte and the last from Donostia, San Sebastián. All our solidarity with them and our total contempt, even though they say they are against climate change, for the leaders of the PNV and the PSE who are doing their best to impose what will be the biggest polluting focus of Gipuzkoa.

On that day the Ertzaintza used violence against the citizens we protested peacefully and the GAIA alliance, which brings together 900 associations from all over the world against incinerators, also denounced the violence of the Ertzaintza. Now, this trial is a qualitative leap, because they want to bring to court for the first time social activism related to the incinerator (we do not forget that they have promoted trials against the policy makers who paralysed the incinerator project, acting as a mafia against Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta and Iñaki Errazkin).

The citizens who form the Anti-Incineration Movement, from this judgment we conclude that the Basque Government and the Council of Gipuzkoa want us to frighten the people who are against incineration. It is an attempt to criminalise an absolutely legitimate social protest that seeks to prevent people from participating in the protests against the incinerator, which are soon activated and which is already contaminating the environment with evidence. Let us tell you clearly: They will not succeed, they will not scare us.

The Anti-Incinerator Movement commits itself to society, as in the last 16 years, to continue to provoke non-violence, the struggle and the clash of models. We will continue to defend ourselves.

It has been demonstrated for years that, looking at most of the peoples of Gipuzkoa, if we make an effective separation of waste, we do not need this toxic monster. And although the current presidents will insist on saying that they have solved the “waste problem”, what we citizens feel is quite the opposite: now we do have a problem, and also a serious one, that seriously affects the next generations and the thousands and thousands of citizens living in the environment.

Although they want us desperate and at home, we will continue to protest. That is why we first call in Donostia, before the Court of Egia, urgent concentrations in solidarity with the people who have been called to the court:

Wednesday, 4 December: 11:00 h.

Thursday, 9 January: 10:30 h.

Above and beyond judgments against social protests, we are clear: No to the incinerator!

Come protect each other.