The claim against the incinerator comes at the door of the International Conference on Climate Change
  • Between beeps and shouts, the attendees of the concentration, which took place in the Kursaal court of Donostia-San Sebastián, have hosted the International Congress on Climate Change.
Usurbilgo Noaua @noaua 2019ko martxoaren 07a

The mobilization has been convened by the Anti-Incineration Movement. As last Tuesday in Alderdi Eder, at the door of the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian, they have mobilized before the International Conference on Climate Change that begins at the Kursaal Palace in the capital of Donostia on Wednesday. As the demand for the banner said, they have pointed out that the incinerator is synonymous with climate change, as they had pointed out with capital letters, a shameful synonym.

Do not forget that this international congress on climate change "Change the Change" is organized by the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Spanish Government.

Precisely, this International Congress against Climate Change is one of the drivers of the incinerator being built in Zubieta. They have distributed leaflets to the attendees of Kursaal, where the details of the proyecto.El Anti-Incineration Movement has made a clear request to the attendees of this congress. "Don't let the CAV authorities, Gipuzkoa and San Sebastian make a cheap green-washing, ask for a real commitment to the future of citizenship and planet Earth, require rejecting projects that worsen climate change."

Among the most outstanding projects are the cement factory Rezola de Añorga and the incinerator being built in Zubieta.

(Photo: CLARO)


How will the world be and how will Euskal Herria be in 2051? With the great disaster that climate warming is going to open up in the world, how are our descendants going to live? What air will you breathe? What will they eat and drink, what diseases will they suffer in 2051? What social services? Who and by what means will care for the sick, the elderly, children...?

The organization of this congress, Change The Change, to talk about tackling climate change, shows that we are living in an emergency situation. We live in a crisis of mass civilization at the beginning of the 21st century: economic crisis, numerous social crises, political crises, crises of resource and fuel reduction, humanitarian crises -- and they all relate to the consequences of a wrong social and economic model. All these crises will be aggravated by the warming of the climate, as the world's wise men repeatedly warn us.

Here, in Euskal Herria, in Gipuzkoa, in San Sebastian, the authorities are doing very badly, they are taking the precisely inverse measures to which experts say to remedy climate change, marginalising the current and future situation of the citizens and helping the great economic powers to continue to function as usual.

The authorities of Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa and the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country are blindly collaborating with projects harmful to the climate that will not have economic and social viability: The High-Speed Train, the incinerators, the mass artificialization of the land, a new underground railway in San Sebastian...

The citizens and associations that we meet in the Anti-Incineration Movement have shown time and again that incineration plants are harmful to human health, avoid the circular economy that Europe has prioritised, emit thousands of tonnes of CO2 in vain to the atmosphere... and that there are cheaper and better alternatives to take advantage of waste, as in Europe, here we see.

But our authorities do not want to hear it. Look at this nice city of San Sebastian: it has the poison inside. At 5 km the cement factory of Añorga-Rezola burns thousands of tons of waste with the permission of the authorities in 2008. And another 5 km further away the new Zubieta incinerator is being built. If Rezola de Añorga is one of the most C02 emitting industries in the CAPV, the Zubieta incinerator also adds to the list of those that damage the climate.

We are still in time to stop this second incinerator in Gipuzkoa. If the area of Donostialdea is very polluted, they cannot open more poisons to the population here with a new incinerator. With the new work, our public funds will be mortgaged until 2051, when climate change will lead to huge investments and public money around the world.

Welcome from all over the world to Change The Change. Don’t let the CAV authorities, Gipuzkoa and San Sebastian make a cheap green-washing, ask for a real commitment to the future of citizenship and planet Earth, require rejecting projects that worsen climate change. As Rossano Ercolini, leader of the Zero Waste movement and Goldman Sariduna, said, the authorities:


This news has been published by Noaua and we have brought it thanks to the CC-by-sa license.