The claim against the incinerator reaches the goal of the Behobia-San Sebastián
  • The Behobia-San Sebastián has been present through two actions by Gipuzkoa Zutik, which have been carried out against the incinerator of Zubieta. On the one hand, at the time the winners of the race arrive, the team members have deployed banderoles against the incinerator on both sides of the journey.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2019ko azaroaren 11

In the video below you can clearly see your play:

On the other hand, when the last runners of the race reached the Boulevard, four activists disguised as political leaders have made a curious appearance in front of the goal. They were wearing masks from Mayor Eneko Goia, Deputy Mayor Ernesto Gasco, Deputy General Markel Olano and Environment Deputy José Ignacio Asensio, as well as a broad banner in which “Incinerunners” could be read with the following message: “Run! Incinerator 5 km.”

(Photo: Irutxuloko Hitza)