Urbaser, the company involved in the incinerator, will also control bicycle rental in Donostia
  • The Guipuzkoan company Urbaser, in the hands of Chinese capital, has obtained a new public award in Gipuzkoa: From now on, you will control the public rental of bicycles in Donostia-San Sebastián. The company is one of the main beneficiaries of the Zubieta incinerator.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 01
Donostiako bizikleten alokairu publikoko zerbitzua kudeatuko du Urbaserrek aurrerantzean.

The company Urbaser has been awarded the public bicycle rental service of Donostia-San Sebastián. This is a concession for the next eight years which will receive EUR 8.55 million in exchange for the provision of this service. Seven proposals were submitted to the public competition, according to the newspaper Noticias de Gipuzkoa, which published this Thursday.

The service is currently canceled, as the awarded company (Bonopark) was unable to comply with the hygienic conditions established after the state of alarm. Urbaser Service will make 32 new stations available to users in the vicinity of existing ones and replace existing ones, which will be replaced by conventional bicycles and electric motors.

Incinerators and corruption

With this award, Urbaserri will further expand its presence in Gipuzkoa. Previously, in the construction and management of the Zubieta incinerator controversy, it featured prominently alongside Meridiam Investment.

Urbaser was investigated in 2017 in a case of corruption related to the Madrid canal Isabel II.aren, known as the “Lezo case”. This multinational has also had to visit the courts for other reasons, such as in England, where the Gloucester City Hall demanded it for the incinerator’s contract that was built there.