They organize the human chain against incineration on the day of the Concha races
  • The Anti-Incineration Movement denounces that waste management in Gipuzkoa continues to worsen. It is explained that the San Sebastian incinerator has increased pollution and reduced selective collection, and that the new projects planned in the country will go further in this direction.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko irailaren 08a
Argazkia: Errausketaren Aurkako Mugimendua

The members of the Anti-Incineration Movement explained at a press conference on Wednesday that they are in a situation of “need” to continue the mobilisations, as “Gipuzkoa is aggravating the waste problem year after year”. Remember that three years ago the incinerator was launched and there are two other projects announced in Bergara and Zumarraga to “burn waste and plastic from paper factories after the name of pyrolysis”.

Regarding the Donostia incinerator, they say that the pollution generated is “very evident”. Consideration has been given to the study carried out by the Dutch foundation ToxiWatch on the toxic discharges of the Arkaitzerreka stream and the levels of pollution and irregularities collected in the report of the UPV Ekopol Group. “There are no cuts in breakdowns, accidents and irregularities occurring in the incinerator,” they conclude.

Waste collection data

Incinerators are also influencing the selective collection of waste: according to official data, organic waste collection has decreased from 80 to 75 kg per inhabitant between 2020 and 2022, while the generated rejection has increased from 177 to 184. They highlight that those in San Sebastian are the worst data in the country. In the same years, organic harvesting has increased from 33 to 32 kilos and the rest from 254 to 265 kilos. “In San Sebastian, only 41% is collected selectively, well below 50% of European standards,” they say.

The spokesmen of the movement have criticized the work and intentions of the Gipuzkoan authorities: “They bear the symbol of the 2030 agenda and head on the development, the economy and the increase in pollution that this entails.”

Human chain at weekend

To denounce this, on 10 September the Anti-Incineration Movement has called the human chain. He will leave Alderdi Eder at 10:00 in the morning. Donostia Bizirik, Urretxu-Zumarraga bizi!, The call has been organized by the Larramendi Incineration and Respiration Control Movement and is supported by the movements Eguzki and Ekologistak Martxan, Alternatiba, Berdeak Equo, EH Bildu and Podemos, and the unions CCOO, EHNE, STEELA, ESK, LAB.