Eroski earns EUR 109 million in 2023, 70% more than the previous year
  • The distribution of the Mondragon group has shown optimism with the benefits gained in 2023; it has responded "firmly" against the background of inflation and cost increases. This has allowed it to continue expanding in the Spanish state and last year opened 74 new supermarkets and franchises.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2024ko maiatzaren 10a
Eroski Espainiako Estatuko banaketa kooperatiba handiena da eta Hego Euskal Herrian nagusi da supermerkatu eta banaketa saltokien arloan. Argazkia: Eroski

Eroski, the distribution cooperative with more workers from the Mondragon Group, with almost 27,400 people, has significantly increased its profits by 2023, with EUR 109 million last year, 70% more than the previous one. Rosa Carabel, director general of this group, announced this at a press conference in Bilbao on Wednesday.

The Eroski Group provides significant data: sales of EUR 5,729 million (+6.3%), EBITDA of EUR 331 million (+18.21%) or operating returns of EUR 259 million (+26.96%). In addition, it has opened 74 new supermarkets and franchises and has spread more in Spain. Thus, it has shops in many communities, such as Andalusia, Illers Balears, Catalonia or Galicia.

"We have done a great job in this period of inflation," says Isabel. Managers of the distribution co-operative say that in 2023 inflation has not stopped and they have tried to ensure that this affects their customers as little as possible: "Savings of €384 million have been transferred to the market", referring to offers and discounts.

On the other hand, they explain that Eroski and his foundation spent EUR 23 million last year on social work.

Eroski has had difficulties in recent years, both because of the pandemic in 2020, in which he suffered losses, but mainly because of the debt generated by the purchase of Caprabo. It has been able to repay some of this debt beforehand and now has to pay creditors EUR 671 million, which a decade ago was EUR 2.5 billion.

Fighting of warehouse staff

The cooperative based in Elorrio has also had an impact on labor relations in 2023. The workers subcontracted by the company Cecosa in the warehouse began a strike in December, due to the precarious working conditions: "We wanted to count the eight hours, expand the salary line, apply the Bizkaia food trade agreement, effective preventive measures and occupational health...", explained to this media.

Thus, after several days of strike, an agreement was reached with the company and, in addition to some improvements, they managed to increase wages by 22%, according to the ELA union.