ERNAI denounces the fines and claims independence at the Donostia demonstration
  • ERNAI spokeswoman Amaiur Egurrola explained that they met to respond to the operation against Ernai, “but above all to say that independence youth is on the street.” The Basque Government has imposed a fine of almost EUR 300,000 on 133 members of ERNAI who were identified in various initiatives carried out in Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce the imprisonment of Aitor Zelaia and Galder Barbado.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko irailaren 09a
Donostiako kaleetan egin du manifestazioa Ernaik. Argazkia: Ernai.

The youth organization ERNAI has manifested itself after finishing the races of the Concha de San Mamés in Donostia-San Sebastián. In the banner, under the slogan “Adding to Independence”, the following slogans have been heard: youth struggle, youth organization, Basque youth ahead and they will not stop us.

ERNAI spokeswoman Amaiur Egurrola pointed out that the purpose of the demonstration was "to fill the streets of Donostia with independence demands". He stressed that the operation against Ernai has “the desire to silence a political position”: “[That position] is of the independence youth and that is why we will continue to take the streets”. Please note that the crowdfunding campaign to meet the economic needs resulting from the fine is still underway. It has called on Basque youth to participate in initiatives to be organised from now on and, in particular, has invited young people to participate in the Gazteon eskutik initiative to be held in the spring.

Fine of almost EUR 300,000

Last May, the youth organization criticized the Basque Government for attempting to "economically stifle and politically destroy Ernai" by being aware of the fine. The members of the two initiatives carried out in Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce the imprisonment of Aitor Zelaia and Galder Barbado were fined between EUR 1,500 and EUR 2,500 for each of them in application of the Mordaza Law. The total amount is EUR 290,500.