Who's in command in bees?
  • As in a hive there is only one queen and is the mother of all, it is said that she is the authority, but it is not entirely correct. Queen is very important, but the most important decisions are made by worker bees.
Mattin Jauregi Inaxio Arin Balerdipeko erleak @balerdipeko 2024ko maiatzaren 20a

It is true that the queen gives rhythm and character to the hive. The queen's laying will give continuity to the hive, as new bees are born each day and the population will be maintained.

The queen keeps her odours or pheromones extended in her tasks. The queen's smell spreads throughout the hive through the bees through their fins so that all the bees smell. Each queen smells, they know that the smell of the area queens isn't from her queen, and that's why bees don't mix with the hive.

The queen has her own cluster, has between 5 and 7 bees serving the same laborer, giving everything she lacks -- but these workers, besides helping the queen, control whether the queen is doing her homework well.

Apical monarchy breaks if workers decide. When a queen is not performing her duties properly, the workers decide to change her and send the old queen of the hive.

When a queen dies, worker bees also decide what the next queen of the eggs will be. They can also determine the number of plants they need, creating larger panals. Workers will be able to dismiss grandparents or their queen.

So who has authority?