12 nursing workers have been infected at Basurto hospital and trade unions call for "adequate protective measures"
  • A third of the staff in the hemodialysis unit of the Basurto hospital tested positive in Covid-19.El nursing union has called for “adequate” protective measures to prevent the death of Cabacas. Today is the day of strike in the health sector in Bizkaia.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 12a
Basurtuko ospitale atarian elkarretaratzea urriaren 28an, Osakidetzarako baliabide gehiago eskatzeko eta grebara deituz (arg.: EiTB)

The coronavirus has infected several workers at Basurto Hospital. According to the union sources confirmed to Euskadi Irratia and the daily newspaper El, the appearance occurred in the hemodialysis area, in the SEL pavilion, and there would be at least 12 affected, all of them from the nursing section: 7 nurses, 4 nursing assistants and one person performing internships. This would be one third of the workers who work in hemodialysis.

The Department of Health of the Basque Government has reported that measures are being taken to curb the outbreak and that a screening is being carried out between workers and patients. The ward will be disinfected next weekend, but the performance of this hospital unit has not stopped because it is "essential" for patients.

FPP2 masks also in “clean” spaces

The hemodialysis unit was considered a “clean” space, as patients infected with coronavirus are not treated and so far had surgical masks, but after the outbreak they have started using FPP2 masks with safer filters throughout the hospital. In addition to Basurko's, another outbreak was also detected in the Donostia hospital with 10 positive hematology sections, which was also considered "a clean spot".

The nursing union SATSE has called for security measures "adapted" to the high transmission of coronavirus in the CAV.

Day of Strike in Bizkaia

On October 28, dozens of health professionals concentrated in the Basurto Hospital to report that the resources of Osakidetza "are lower than those of March", and it is precisely this Thursday that there is a strike in the sector in Bizkaia. According to the convening trade unions, the strike has received "broad support", especially in primary care and in the CAV.