A young Eritrean suicides in Irun
  • The body of a young man of Eritrean origin has been found on the shore of the Bidasoa River. The Ertzaintza reported that he committed suicide and that the Irun Reception Network (Gipuzkoa) is trying to obtain more information about the young man who died in an accident.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko apirilaren 20a

The body of a young man from Eritrea was found on 18 April in the Azken Portu district of Irun. According to the Irun Reception Network, the man appeared hanged on the shore of the Bidasoa River. According to investigations by the Ertzaintza, man committed suicide, since no signs of violence have been found in the area.

Irun’s Reception Network is trying to get more information about the youth, as it doesn’t know if he was a migrant by way, if he lived in Irun or had papers… “We don’t want him to be an unidentified body that ends in an anonymous European tomb, without his family knowing anything,” they said in a statement. At the moment, it has only been possible to certify the origin of the young woman, who has been arrested.

If it were a migrant by way, it would be the first immigrant to die between Irun and Hendaia. This is a common step for migrants who have been subjected to controls under the pretext of the "fight against terrorism" and now for the pandemic.

Difficulties in crossing the border have led them to seek alternatives and in March several people tried to swim across the Bidasoa River to access the French State and continue the migratory route. reported that on 13 March a group of Hendaia's neighbours assisted an immigrant swimming the river and the Host Network strongly denounced the event, asking the institutions to seek solutions.