Erdogan wants to put a million refugees in Syrian Kurdistan
  • The Turkish President has announced that he will relocate a million refugees to the "safe area" that Turkey has invaded in Syrian Kurdistan.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko abenduaren 11
Irudia: Ahval

On 9 October, Ankara began a military invasion in the Kurdish areas of Syria, where it has been detained since October. The lands between two cities on the border between Ras and Ayn and Tel Abyad were occupied by military groups fighting for Turkey and Turkey. There, Erdogan intends to create a "safe area" for the settlement of refugees, as explained by the local newspaper Ahval, which runs Almodóvar. Currently, 3.6 million refugees live in Turkey.

Erdogan has asked for financial assistance from the European Union (EU), but the EU has ensured that it will not give such aid. However, the EU has made no further comments, as the Turkish President threatened Europe with opening the doors to over 3.6 million refugees in Turkey.