Erdogan wins in Turkey in the second round of elections
  • Erdogan won with 52.1% of the votes and the opposite, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, with 49.7%. After learning the results, international leaders congratulate Erdogan.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko maiatzaren 29a
Erdogan hauteskundeak irabazi ondoren egindako hitzaldian. Argazkia: Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the current Turkish leader, has achieved victory in the second round of the presidential elections, as announced by the Turkish Electoral Board. On May 14, none of the candidates obtained the majority needed in the first round of the presidential elections to lead the state.

With 99.5 per cent of the votes, Erdogan received 52.1 per cent of the votes and his opponent, Social Democrat Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, 47.9 per cent, as reported in a public hearing by the President of the Turkish Electoral Board, Ahmet Yener.

Although the results are provisional, the few unquantified votes cannot change the winner. The final figures shall be notified once possible resources have been resolved.

"Over the next five years, the country's management has remained in our hands," Erdogan said to the followers of Istanbul, and recalled that the next appointment will be in 2024, when municipal elections are held in the country.

European authorities congratulate Erdogan

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz congratulates Erdogan. French President Emmanuel Macron invites Erdogan to face the challenges together, including the Euro-Atlantic alliance and the "return of peace to Europe".

The President of the Council of Europe, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, have also congratulated Erdogan, showing interest in maintaining relations between the European Union and Turkey. "It is strategic for the EU and Turkey to work to advance this relationship for the benefit of our country," said Von der Ley.