Erdiz Mine: 80% of the baztans oppose it, but the government considers it of foreign interest
  • The Government of Navarra considered the magnesite mine that Magna intends to build in Erdiz to be of foral interest. The meadows of Erdiz are on Mount Alduide, which connects Baztán and Steribar, where 80 families graze.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko ekainaren 08a
Argazkia: Iñaki Atxa Aranburu

The Foral Government considers that the project is linked to economic development for the protection of employment, territorial cohesion and the environment in rural areas. The government says that 240 people work in Magnesitas Navarras, in Steribar, and their indirect work back.

The Erdiz Bizirik platform of Baztan, which opposes this project in almost two decades, denounces that Magnesitas Navarras belongs to the French multinational Roullier, and that in relation to this project, what interests or not the inhabitants of Baztan is decided in Paris. According to the association, the most unfavourable impact would be for the 80 livestock families operating in Erdiz, but the project would affect the 270 farmers operating throughout the Baztan. He added that once the mine had run out it would not be possible to recover the meadows.

The Erdiz prairie has 476 hectares, the largest in the Baztan and the highest quality. Half of them are used as feedingstuffs for cattle, and half of them intend to build the mine. The primary sector of the Baztan Valley continues to account for about 15 per cent of the economy.

Magnesite ore is scarce in Europe and, in addition to employment, Magnesitas Navarras and the foreign government are using this argument to boost the mine. According to the government, 6% of the world's magnesite is produced in Slovakia, Greece, Austria and Navarra. Therefore, many groups denounce that in these types of projects they send multinationals in Navarra.

Most baztans also in elections

The baztans have shown their rejection of the project in many ways. Numerous successful mobilizations have been carried out in Elizondo and on 22 April the opposition to the mine was brought to Pamplona, bringing together over 2,000 people in the urban fabric.

The strong opposition to the project is also reflected in the election results of May 28: 80% of voters voted against parties opposed to the project, according to URL 0. The Baztaneses Conference wanted to hold a referendum last autumn, but the Spanish Government’s delegation in Navarre banned it.

Together with the Magnesitas mine, the Foral Government has considered two other economic projects of general interest: Aluminium melting and laminating project by Urrizmendi in Uharte-Arakil and extension of the facilities and lines of the EXCAL Food Exhibition and Conservation company in Marcilla.


Mobilisation convened on 22 April by the Erdiz Bizirik platform in Pamplona. (Photo: X Latvian / ARGIA CC BY-SA)