They will not question Baztan about the lands of Erdiz and denounce the lack of democracy.
  • In fourteen localities in the Baztan Valley, on November 20, it was proposed to ask the public whether or not Magna companies wanted to allocate the lands of Erdiz to mining. The Spanish Government has banned surveys. Denouncing "injustice" meetings will be held in towns and concentration in Elizondo at 17:00.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 15
Batzarrak eta elkarretaratzea iragarri dituzte Baztango alkateek Espainiako Gobernuak galdeketak debekatu dituela salatzeko. /Argazkia:

The Government of Spain has banned interrogations of the Erdiz lands held in Baztan on 20 November, and on Monday the mayors of fourteen villages announced that the questionnaires will not be held but will be held together, and on the same day a concentration will be held in Elizondo at 17:00.

As stated in the media, mayors have denounced that “the debate is not a quarry yes or no”, but is about “real participation and democracy”. As a symbol of democracy, they have called on the citizens to approach the meetings and the meeting on Sunday.

The mining company Magna wants to occupy almost a hundred hectares in Erdiz and get to know the opinion of the citizen about the occupation that was to take place on 20 November in all the localities of Almandoz except in Baztan. Last week, however, the Navarre delegation of the Spanish Government banned popular consultations, the third time this year.