The Erdiz Bizirik platform will collect signatures of allegations against the mining PSIS
  • Next Wednesday, 14 February, an open assembly will be held in Arizkun at 19:30 and "everyone who wants to help us cope with the imposition of the PSIS" is invited to participate. @ahotsainfo 2024ko otsailaren 09a

On February 6, the PSIS of Erdiz was included in the Official Bulletin of Navarra, excluding the mining project from local autonomy. That is why the Erdiz Bizirik platform has made it clear that "it will continue to defend our land and our way of life" and will start collecting signatures of claims. The signatures will be collected in Baztan by municipalities, as well as by districts in Navarre and other locations in the Basque Country. In addition, claims may be signed in person and digitally.

They point out that "we will not allow a project that enriches a few and makes a sustainable life disappear for many years to be imposed as a UNEP. We have come to point out, time and again, to the government and to the institutions that support its decisions, which move from legislature to legislature over the autonomy of local institutions. With one single goal: steal communal lands to give them away to multinationals."




The project and life at the Baztan "are incompatible, as it would seriously affect the local economy: agriculture, tourism, environment and citizen health". That is why, "once again, with the support of dozens of citizens, we have gone to the streets to bet on life and to ask all Basques to protect it by half."