Feminists denounce the attitude of the Casa del Pueblo de Baiona to the sexist aggressions
  • The feminist movement of Ipar Euskal Herria has denounced that the House of the People of Baiona has processed insufficient policies and responses on the Sexist aggressions that occurred during the festivities. Some thirty people have tried to enter the town council assembly, but they have found the doors closed.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko uztailaren 18a
Ipar Euskal Herriko mugimendu feministaren ekintza, Baionako Herriko Etxean. Argazkia: Ihartzuri

They have not been able to attend the local council meeting, after the mayor, Jean-René Etchegaray, gave them the order to close the door. Thus, the meeting has been blocked from within the village house but from outside the boardroom, shouting "no aggression, no response". About thirty people have met this Wednesday at the Civic Center of Baiona, coinciding with the call of the feminist movement of Ipar Euskal Herria. The action has been taken to denounce the policy of the People's House in the face of sexist attacks and, more specifically, in the face of sexist aggressions.

The festivities ended on Sunday and this year it has also been "unacceptable events and poor management of violence" that have marked the multitudinous quotation. As every year, several complaints of aggression have been recorded, including three complaints of sexual assault to the police and eleven for aggression at the protection post assigned by Itaia. Also on the last day of the festivities Itaia held a concentration to lament the situation.

"Instrumentalization" of the feminist movement

In fact, the feminist movement believes that there are tools to prevent aggression. Among other things, the protocol elaborated by the feminist association FAP, the space to support the parties in which several feminists participate and the reflections of the group 2032 to reflect on the holiday model. However, through the action they denounce that no measures have been taken and the "instrumentalization" of the feminism that exists by the House of the People of Baiona. To the extent that "the problem is systemic", they have stressed the need for awareness and collective work.