Aiaraldea Feminist Movement Calls for Protest to Denounce Male Aggression
  • At 21:00 PM, the Aiaraldea Feminist Movement has called for loud noises on the windows of the entire comarca.El objective is to denounce the arrest of yesterday’s gender violence and show its support for the women assaulted in the Basque Country.
Izar Mendiguren Cosgaya @itzulipurdika Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2020ko apirilaren 05
Atxiloketaren irudia. Argazkia: O. M. /

Yesterday evening a male was arrested for an alleged crime of gender-based violence in the Alavesa town of Llodio. "A woman has been assaulted in Llodio. Enough! We're sick! No aggression, no answers! has denounced the Aiaraldea Feminist Movement on social media. Therefore, they have called for a noisy mobilization from 21:00 hours, from the windows and balconies of the neighborhood. On the one hand, to denounce male violence and, on the other, to show its support for the assaulted. In the same vein, they have proposed to leave with purple scarves to show their support to the women in this situation. "We are not going to tolerate any kind of aggression or in this difficult situation like the one we are experiencing! Feminist self-defense in the face of aggression! they reported in the message of the Real Sociedad.

In quarantine, due to the need to stay at home, the Machian aggressions can multiply and strengthen. Aiaraldea Media "What to do if you're assaulted?" The article lists the steps to follow if you have suffered an aggression or have witnessed it.