The City of Erandio will resort to the ruling that removed the obligation of the Basque Country
  • Last Friday, several neighbors joined the meeting convened by the Basque association Berbots and the unions ELA and LAB. The Erandio government team has also announced that it will appeal to the Bilbao Administrative Dispute Tribunal No. 1 against the resolution rejecting requesting a Basque agent level B2.
Hiruka .eus Ander Zarraga 2023ko maiatzaren 09a
Barikuan, Berbots euskara elkarteak eta ELA eta LAB sindikatuek deitutako mobilizazioaren irudi bat. Argazkia: LAB sindikatua

The final decision of the courts to reject the mandatory knowledge of the Basque Country has raised powders in Erandio and various agents, political parties and institutions have shown their rejection of the judgment. Firstly, the City of Erandio announces that it will appeal the judgment.

Municipal sources report that, in the opinion of their jurists, "the complaint of the agent should not be admitted to the proceedings, as the date of the 2007 preceptivity was set in a prior approval of the RPT (List of Posts). Such approval followed the whole procedure correctly, being firm and accepted as it had not been invoked at the time.

The municipal jurists have added that "the administrative appeal concerning the acts of reproduction of the previous final and final acts and those of ratification of the acts adopted because they have not been appealed in time and ordinarily" is not admissible.

Aggression against the Basque Country and municipal autonomy

On the other hand, during the afternoon of Friday, several neighbors and neighbors demonstrated in the plaza on 23 September to denounce the judicial decision. Berbost euskara elkartea and the unions ELA and LAB convened, noting that the judicial decision has been "a judicial attack on municipal autonomy" and "an aggression against the Basque Country", and that what the judge intends to normalize is "Spanish supremacy". They also asked the City Hall to "strongly protect linguistic rights" and urged the Basque institutions to "develop stronger legal bases to guarantee the linguistic rights of the Basques".

In the same vein, EH Bildu de Erandio has also strongly criticised the judgment, regretting that it is an unacceptable attack on the Basque people and the rights of Basque citizens. "As long as accession to the Basque Country is absolutely majority, the judiciary continuously attacks the Basque Country to jeopardise linguistic rights," they have denounced. They also state in their statement that "erandioztarras have the full right to relate to the administration in the official language we want, a right that this judgment completely violates. These kinds of sentences are passed in order to further relegate our language, which today continues to tread, as these attacks show us."