The Ertzaintza attacks the people who have come together to stop the eviction of Erandio
  • This Tuesday, several young people have met in Astrabudua (Erandio) to prevent the eviction of a 70-year-old woman and her grandson. Eviction is scheduled for 10:30 hours, and the Socialist Housing Union of Uribe Kosta has called for mobilisation.

Leire Ibar 2024ko azaroaren 12a
Etxebizitza Sindikatu Sozialistatik, proletalgoaren zaurgarritasun egoeraz baliatzen diren mailegu-enpresa horien izaera salatu du. Gedar

He was scammed eight years ago by the company "Your Best Loan." The lending company forced the entity to aval a house for a loan of 7,000 euros and, not paying it, the company started a eviction process.

Women have denounced that so far the institutions have not offered alternatives for accommodation. Gedar has stated that he only has a verbal agreement, that he does not know which house he is offered and that he has not signed any contract, although he has done so explicitly.

Dozens of people have met before 08:00 hours to try to curb eviction and support the family. The police have also arrived early in the morning and have begun to evacuate people by force, as can be seen in these videos.



Two people have been arrested. The first young man has been arrested around 9 a.m., and the second one more hour tarde.La Ertzaintza has continued to harass the concentrates on the Camino de Aldaieta, in Astrabudua (Bizkaia).


Eviction has taken place at 10:30 hours, when a court commission has accessed the door of the house and the Ertzaintza has agreed.


We will delve into the information.