The Charter of Social Rights proposes ten priority measures for social transformation
  • “The measures taken in the state of alarm make it even more visible against the majority and in favor of a minority that does not work,” the Letter of Social Rights of Euskal Herria states. Ten priority social demands have been made.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 21
Pasa den urtarrileko greba orokorra (argazkia: Aritz Mutiozabal)

The Social Charter emphasizes that the health crisis has occurred in the midst of the crisis of the system, since it is the capitalist system itself that “intensifies the crisis between life and capital”. As a sign of this, only three months ago thousands of people joined the general strike for pensions, work and a dignified life.

The actors behind the Social Charter are living the situation with concern: first, because “the health of workers and citizens in general is what is at issue in the short term” and in the medium term “because, taking advantage of the context of the health crisis, we can face a new attack by economic and political elites”. Thus, “it is time to build a new system that puts the care and lives at the center, as well as the measures to cope with the situation of the moment”.

Ten priority measures have been the development of public services, the adoption of effective measures to protect groups in precarious situations, the adoption of concrete measures to guarantee fundamental rights, the recognition and assurance of care tasks, the adoption of urgent measures to deal with male violence, the defence of jobs, the guarantee of the right to information, the non-payment of the impact of the crisis by workers, the support of territorial rights and the defence of economic freedoms.

Starting this Tuesday, the Social Rights Charter of the Basque Country will conduct a campaign to promote these ten points in the Basque Country.